Wednesday 20th November

Conference countdown

Conference overview

Northern Ireland Economic Conference

The Northern Ireland Economic Conference, now in its 29th year, is Northern Ireland’s premier economic analysis event and is unique in being the only forum that takes a high-level look at the performance of, and prospects for the local economy. It is firmly established as the annual autumn summit for Northern Ireland’s economic community, including policy makers and business leaders.

Creating good jobs, promoting regional balance, raising productivity and achieving net zero by 2050

The performance of the Northern Ireland economy remains a challenge. Budgetary pressures mean that spending is constrained, at a time when Northern Ireland’s economy needs to address long-standing issues such as being a laggard in terms of productivity and having high rates of working age economic inactivity. To address these challenges, the Economy Minister Conor Murphy MLA announced his vision for the local economy; to create good jobs, promote regional balance in the economy, raise productivity and achieve a net zero carbon economy by 2050. Underpinning his four strategic aims, the Minister has recalibrated the Department’s skills agenda and proposed a range of interventions to align with these objectives.

In June, Minister Murphy launched action plans designed to enhance growth across seven of the most innovative, productive and export-orientated economic sectors. This year’s programme will include a panel discussion with representatives from the seven growth areas:

  • Agri-tech;
  • Life and health sciences;
  • Advanced manufacturing, materials and engineering;
  • Fintech/Financial services;
  • Software (including cybersecurity);
  • Screen industries; and
  • Low carbon technologies (including green hydrogen).
Key issues to be addressed at the conference
  • UK and global economic outlook
  • Medium term economic outlook for Northern Ireland
  • Narrowing the productivity gap
  • Creating good jobs, promoting regional balance, raising productivity and achieving net zero by 2050
  • Recalibrating the skills agenda
  • Addressing regional balance
  • Promoting innovation and R&D
  • Maximising public expenditure
  • Tackling economic inactivity
  • Infrastructure investment as an economic driver
  • The economic opportunity of net zero carbon technologies
Why attend?
  • Expert local and visiting speakers
  • Major economic summit
  • Economic outlook and forecast
  • Unique information presented
  • Not-to-be-missed annual conference
  • All sectors represented — government, business, third sector

Register your place today

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Confirmed speakers

Insight and presentations from expert speakers

Conor Murphy MLA

Minister for the Economy
Helen McCarthy

Chief Scientific and Technology Adviser for Northern Ireland
Chris Giles
Economics Commentator
Financial Times
Ann Watt
Kathleen O’Hare
Northern Ireland Skills Council
Jonathan McAdams
Chief of Staff
NI Fiscal Council
Fiona Bennington
Director of Entrepreneurship
Gareth Hetherington
Director, Ulster University Economic Policy Centre
David Jordan
Lecturer in Economics, Queen’s Business School and Research Associate
The Productivity Institute
Joann Rhodes
Chief Executive
Health Innovation Research Alliance Northern Ireland
Paul Mac Flynn
Nevin Economic Research Institute
Sam Turner
Interim CEO
Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre, Queen’s University Belfast
Seamus McGuinness
Research Professor
Economic and Social Research Institute
Richard Williams
Chief Executive
Northern Ireland Screen
Mark McAleer
Quality Experience Manager
John Campbell
Economics & Business Editor
BBC Northern Ireland

Full programme announced soon!

Who should attend?

The Annual Northern Ireland Economic Conference is aimed at key decision-makers and those across business and government/the public sector with an interest in tackling the challenges to ensure Northern Ireland’s economy is fit for the future. It will also appeal to those interacting with the public sector, both in policy advisory and service delivery or advocacy roles. Those interested in attending will include:

  • Chief Executives / Directors / senior managers
  • Finance directors / managers
  • Central government / department officials
  • Agencies, advisory bodies and NDPBs
  • Frontline service delivery professionals
  • Auditors / value-for-money specialists
  • Local government officers and elected representatives
  • Budget-holders
  • Corporate planners
  • Voluntary / community sector leaders / NGOs
  • Services organisations — IT / telecoms
  • Financial and legal advisors

Sponsorship opportunities

There are still a small number of available sponsorship opportunities at this year's conference. Sponsorship of the annual Northern Ireland Economic Conference is an excellent way for organisations to raise their profile with a key audience of economic decision-makers and senior business leaders. For further details or to discuss how your organisation can benefit from close association with Northern Ireland's premier economic analysis event contact Lynda Millar on +44 (0)28 9261 9933 or email


Conference tickets

Conference delegate rate

+ VAT @ 20% = £306

Register Now
Discounted rate for voluntary/community/councils

+ VAT @ 20% = £198

Register Now


Titanic Hotel Belfast
Queen's Road, Titanic Quarter

Getting to the venue